Wednesday 13 May 2015

Word of Advice

Wow, it's been a long while since my last post (in which i have revert all of it to draft :D)

Let's cut to the chase shall we? So some of my juniors have contacted me personally to ask for tips regarding palam. How bout i make a whole entry about it. Savvy?

So as all of you know, asasi uitm di Puncak Alam dipanggil palam. Palam tu actually stands for Puncak Alam. But i've heard that the asasi students will be moved to Dengkil. So idk what it's going to be call later on.

So here's some advice and tips that maybe, might help to ease up your flow at palam (or not)

1) Concentrate during lectures. Kalau boleh jangan tidur (kalau boleh lah). Take notes on what is necessary. Trust me, this will help to ease up your burden during revision as u already have a  clear picture about what is actually going on.

2) Buat tutorial. Kalau tersekat dan tak tahu macam mana nak buat. Then tanya  kawan; roommate, housemates, classmates etc. Kalau dia orang tak tahu juga then tanya lecturer time tutorial. Clear up all the blurry concepts. Jangan duduk kat meja lama, tersekat sebab tak tahu. Bajet diri dah terlalu pandai sangat sampai tak layak nak tanya orang lain. Please, kat luar sana banyak lagi orang yang far way more smarter than you. Geniuses perhaps. ppffttt. Lagi satu boleh jimat masa. Biar study cepat dan sekejap asal kan effective dan berkesan. And let's say you didn't manage to complete your tutorial on time. Then copy from your friend, it's ok. BUT make sure that you have clear up all the concepts including dalam tutorial tu (tengok dan buat balik) sebelum quiz, test dan pastinya sebelum finals.

3) Lab reports. Tak payah buat discussion pun tak apa. Group aku tak pernah buat discussion pun. Instead, kita orang buat whatsapp group, bahagi kan tugas dan tangkap gambar je bahagian yang kau perlu buat then nanti ada sorang ditugaskan untuk salin balik. Buang masa je kadang-kadang discussion ni. End up, sembang je banyak, bukan discuss pun. Baik lah korang guna masa yang ada tu buat benda lain. Basuh baju ke. Trust me, your schedule will be pretty pack. By the end of the day, markah lab report semua orang lebih kurang sama je dalam kelas tu. [tapi jangan buat kerja cincai. asal siap. bahaya] p/s:its ok to copy ur friend's or housemate's lab reports, i mean that is what friends for right? :P ;)

4) Carry marks. Carry marks adalah sangat penting. Carry mark ni ibarat penyelamat kau masa final. kalau kau kantoi final, tapi carry mark ok, then ok. quiz kena score . Carry marks ni 50% which consist of quiz, test, assingments and lab reports. Lagi 50% is your final. Nak selamat carry marks kena at least 40%. So you have to be consistent throughout your asasi. Bukan time final je. Kalau nak A lah.  

5)Assignments. Assignment ni lagi memainkan peranan yang penting daripada quiz. Kalau group-mates kau lembab sangat nak bagi material, lambat nak start, semua orang macam malas, senyap je. (Maklumlah dia orang je kan yang busy kat asasi, kita tak busy pun.) Then kau buat lah. Be selfless. At least to yourself. Because it is your carry marks also. Kalau kau selfish je, kau pun tak nak start maka terjejas lah carry marks kau juga. Kalau kau buat sorang-sorang pun tak apa. I know it might seemed like u are doing some sort of charity work or something but trust me, by the time kau dapat carry mark dan tengok markah assignments kau, it will be totally worth it. insyaAllah :) 

I think that basically summed it all. Remember, time asasi kena score. This will determine your future. Who you going to be in 10 years time. What will you do to earn a living. Kau akan compete dengan budak pasum, matrikulasi dan juga stpm for a place in degree. SPM dah tak apa-apa makna sangat dah. This is like a clean slate. You guys are fighting each other back from zero. From scratch. 
SPM tu ibarat kunci korang je nak fly or dapat university mana (tapi tak boleh lah teruk sangat. kalau teruk tak dapat lah palam.). 

Jangan pandang rendah sangat kat orang yang dapat sikit A daripada kau dan menyanjungi orang yang dapat straight A's. Sebab kadang-kadang orang yang tak seberapa lah yang berada di atas manakala orang straight A's tu lah yang terpaksa keluar ambil diploma. 

Success will come with a price: for those who work hard for it and for those who really deserves it.

Best regards, xx.

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