Wednesday 13 May 2015

Palam 2014/2015

Gonna be my last post about palam kot, time to move on. (KOT) 

Palam was a hell of a ride.

Aku register palam on the 9th of june 2014. I was supposedly to register on the 2nd but "sadly" i cant make it because i had a family vacay at America. Oh well :P 

Aku balik LA on the 4th (i think) n sampai malaysia on the 6th. Register on monday with my dad. I have missed 2 hours of my first lecture that day. It was biology.  He he he. I still remember how dizzy i was on my first day. Jetlag kateko. Duduk kat psb with ma dad. He bought himeself a bottle of coke. I cant remember what i drank. We both sat there ( at psb) facing each other waiting for my friend to come. I took a glance at my surroundings. Feeling scared. Not knowing all these people. Thinking that they already had a chance to know each other during mds n i would be like a lost blue penguin in a seas full of black penguins. Lol. Over je. Tambahan pula everything seems to be floating sebab mengantuk sangat. My dad pun mengantuk juga. 15 jam kot time difference. Siapa tak mengantuk kan. 

My first friend was Nadiah, syahindah and aleen. Nadiah and syahindah jumpa depan lecture hall. Aleen aku jumpa time my first lecture. She was seating on my left side and nadiah was on my right. First lecture aku duduk atas sekali. Bahagian tengah. Pergh horror gila. Aku tak nampak apa apa. Rabun. Power tak cukup. 

2nd day, 
My first class that day was chemistry lab. Terpaksa campur dengan kelas A7 sebab lecturer tak datang kot haritu nth lupa. Duduk meja depan hujung sekali sebelah kanan. Berkenalan dengan orang tepi aku which is Qilla, n Nayly. Then Aleen datang. Dia cakap 'kenal tak aku' then aku dengan sejujur jujur nya cakap 'tak.sorry.' Hahaha. Then i decided to take her picture n buat contact picture so that i wont forget her face ever again. Hahaha bodoh je. Then we decided to stick together. Sampai semester dua. Dia orang lah lab mates aku, duduk sama sama time lectures, group aku untuk segala mak nenek asignments n grouping, dan peneman sementara tunggu next class to start.

Left: me, nayly, qilla and aleen

Ni lah psb. 

Tutorial physics

To be honest, time semester 1 aku kawan ngan dia orang semua ni (termasuk classmate aku yang lain) tak rasa apa apa pun. I mean like sekadar kawan. Lagi pun satu tahun je ( tak sampai pun) . And honestly aku tak kisah pasal dia orang sangat pun. All i ever thought of was that , i have to score this, aku kena buat elok elok time asasi ni. N tbh aku tak ingat sangat pun hidup aku masa semester 1 kecuali certain things lah (example going to the library on regular basis lol) 

But the bonds grew extra stronger time semester dua. Aku dah start kisah. And aku rasa macam kita dah kenal lama sangat. Mungkin sebab makin susah cabaran, makin rapat hubungan kita sebab kita menempohi cabaran itu sama sama. :')  

And of course there were ups n downs during my whole journey in palam. Kalau tak ada downs tu maka kenangan adalah bukan kenangan. Betul tak? Lol.  Sweet memories are to be cherished. Bitter memories are to be forgoten. 


Last class ever in palam

'Asasi 96'

Housemates. (Dalam rumah )

Meditating dalam lecture hall? Lol

Well hello there. Busy nya study. He he he

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